Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Speech Contests

Speech contests present opportunities that allow you to hone your abilities, learn by observation, meet other Toastmasters and have fun.

Not everyone becomes enthusiastic when they hear the word “contest.”  For many, the idea of measuring one’s skills against those of other Toastmasters may at first seem rather daunting!  But while competition against other Toastmasters is a prominent feature at these events, the most important competition is always against one’s own abilities.  Speech contests give you that opportunity – and they also provide occasions to meet other Toastmasters and learn more about local Toastmasters events.

Recently members of one of my clubs participated in a club contest and I wrote up an article for the local newspaper.  We got a full page spread:  Click here

This is what can happen when you challenge yourself.  You learn and grow and that is the purpose of Toastmasters.  Learning about leadership and communication, learning how to handle yourself in various roles, learning how to speak "off the cuff" in Table Topics, learning the essential interpersonal skills that will make you successful at work and in the community.

Have a wonderful

P.S.  If you would like a list of 800 speech topics, leave me a message with your email address

P.P.S.  Click here to Master Public Speaking

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I'm Back


Although I haven't posted for quite some time, I have certainly not been standing still with regards to Toastmasters and public speaking.  I have actually spent quite a lot of time in the past few months developing and presenting workshops on a number of topics as well as presenting speeches at our local Toastmasters Clubs.

Today I attended a workshop on Business Etiquette by Julie Blais-Comeau where I picked up a few tips I will be able to use for Educational Tips at some Toastmasters meetings on handshakes and Power Posing. 

As we know, appearance plays a big part in public speaking.  Appearance is one of the sections of the judges ballot in speech contests and is the biggest part of our First Impression.

I will be posting again on a more regular basis and hope to see you soon.

Take care


Remember, You Too Can Be A Public Speaker