Monday, October 24, 2011

7 Deadly Sins of Public Speaking

from Andrew Dlugan

Deadly Sin #1: Sloth
Sloth, or laziness, is committed by speakers who fail to prepare.

Speaking in public, whether formally or informally, is an essential activity that requires effort. Yet, the majority of people expend no effort to improve their effectiveness as a speaker. Tragically, they are content to drift from one frustrating presentation to the next.

“Speaking in public, whether formally or informally, is an essential activity that requires effort.”

You can avoid sloth in a number of ways:

■Enroll in a public speaking course
■Read public speaking books
■Read public speaking blogs
■Join Toastmasters or another local speaking club
■Study great speakers
■Hire a speaking coach

(By reading this article, you’re making the effort to improve. Sloth has no claim on you!)

Failing to prepare for life by improving your speaking skills leads to a chain of excuses, characterized by… (come back tomorrow to find out..)

To becoming a better speaker!!


P.S. For more help in developing your public speaking skills, click here.

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